
Liang Shuo's Interview Beijing March 28th/ 梁硕的访问于北京3月29号

Beyond the artist's mind

When I spoke with Liang Shuo about my project telling him that I wanted to interview him, he directly answered that it could be fun to do the interview like a game with strict rules. 
The rules was different for each question: for example answer in 15 words, or answer with three verbs or answer in 20 seconds, finish the sentence... 
The idea was to force the artist to answer without thinking while speaking, to answer directly what was popping in his mind, to react spontaneously to the question according to his feelings more that to his mind. But at the end of the interview, we got back to some of Liang Shuo's answers reacting to them and getting more depper into the subject. 

The important is the interaction between the two people during the interview, doesn't mind what the answers are or if the artist speaks truly... Told me Liang Shuo
Liang Shuo said that the best questions was the one he couldn't answer to or the one that made him feel uncomfortable. 
I promised Liang Shuo to get back to him with more questions in few months or maybe to ask him again the same ones to see how his mind will change during this period of time.

